
Gettin' The Goods To You

Some questions we have been repeatedly asked. We at Sakto may seem quite peculiar on the outset, but listen up:

Why, why, why, do we choose to take orders instead of stocking retail stores up with our beans?

Simply put, we want to get it to people as fresh as possible. Coffee is pretty superb within 18 days of roasting, and we get it to you within 3. We want to guarantee you access to the sensory experience that opens up. We want the cost lower for everyone, to kind of break down the norm of good coffee being ridiculously expensive, so we eliminate distributors.

How do we distribute the beans?

You can pick it up at our stall at the Legazpi Sunday Market (and check out our other sustainable, interesting, plastic-free shizz), or we use a bike delivery service when possible. Otherwise, we use regular courier, when we have absolutely no choice.

Why do we use glass?

We don't like plastic and non-biodegradables. We are looking at thick brown paper to eliminate some delivery obstacles (they make us use bubble wrap with the jars), but we would advise you to put the coffee in a secure, sealed container at once.

The beans do release some gas that are released by those valves in some special coffee packs, but if you are being good children and drinking your coffee regularly and before it goes stale, you should be releasing those when you open the jar anyway.

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